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Please Note: Program referrals are only accepted from selected institutions; community-based referrals are not available.

Windows to Work Reentry Services with the Department of Corrections (DOC)

Employ Milwaukee assists participants with their employment, housing, medical and psychological needs through Windows to Work, a Wisconsin Department of Corrections-funded program. Instruction in financial literacy, workplace competencies, conflict resolution and problem solving are provided through case managers who plan for successful reintegration with participants. Assessments and supports begin six months prior to prison release, with twelve months of follow up and supportive services after reintegration into the community. In addition, Windows to Work provides all program aspects of the post-release portion to a selected amount of transferring participants for those returning back to Milwaukee County in coordination with various workforce board areas across the state. 

Reentry Employment Services at the Community Reintegration Center (CRC)

Employ Milwaukee provides pre- and post-release services to individuals who will be released within 180 days from the Milwaukee County Community Reintegration Center (CRC). This program provides career planning, job readiness and skills trainings, all centered around Labor Market Information, assessments of the individual, and an employment action plan. Referrals to American Job Centers are provided to participants, so that they may access WIOA programming to guide them through their transition immediately upon release.

System Involvement Efforts

Milwaukee Reentry Network

Employ Milwaukee co-chairs and participates within the Milwaukee Reentry Network (MRN) which is a collaborative of partners that plan and coordinate integrated neighborhood-based diversion, reentry, and employment strategies. The MRN works to provide opportunities to reduce criminal thinking and increase healthy family relationships for adults returning from county, state, federal correctional facilities, youth returning from juvenile justice facilities and adults and youth on county, state, and/or federal supervision living in Milwaukee County. If you are interested in getting involved, you can reach out to Wylbur Holloway at wylbur.holloway@employmilwaukee.org.

Milwaukee Reentry Council

Employ Milwaukee participates within the Milwaukee County Reentry Council, a subcommittee of the Milwaukee Community Justice Council, which is focused on promoting the safe and successful reintegration of individuals who have been incarcerated back into the community and preventing future involvement with the justice system. 

Employ Milwaukee

2342 North 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53210

Phone: (414) 270-1700Fax: (414) 225-2375

Deaf, hearing or speech impaired callers may reach us by the Wisconsin Relay number 711.

Employ Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Service Provider.

Auxiliary Aids and services are available to individuals with disabilities upon request. If you need this material interpreted to a language you understand or in a different format, or need assistance in accessing services, please contact us.

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