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Beyond the Classroom: Summer of Growth at America’s Black Holocaust Museum

This summer, students working at America’s Black Holocaust Museum (ABHM) through the Earn & Learn program have gained a deep understanding of history, education, and personal growth.

At ABHM, they delved into historical topics that are often overlooked in traditional education. "We're learning history that school doesn't teach you. If you come visit here, you'll learn about the history you didn't know," one student shared. This includes learning about the painful history of lynching, the life and legacy of Dr. James Cameron, the museum's founder, and exploring African history.

Beyond gaining knowledge, these students developed invaluable public speaking skills. "When I came here, I didn't know how to speak to anybody, but once I learned more about the history, I've gotten better at speaking to people on the tours," one student explained. Their confidence in communication grew as they guided guests through the museum, sharing powerful stories and insights.

Their experience also extended beyond the walls of ABHM. Field trips to other cultural institutions, such as the Jewish Museum and the Wisconsin Black Historical Society, offered them insights into museum management. Additionally, they enjoyed reading to children at the Betty Brinn Museum, broadening their understanding of community engagement.

"Every day has been amazing. Kids my age don't have opportunities like we've had here. Some kids don't know about Earn & Learn, but my mom signed me up, and I got to come here and learn about history. It was really a good choice for me to be here," one student reflected. The program not only provided them with a unique educational experience but allowed them to earn money before the school year starts.

As the summer concludes, these students are preparing to showcase their newfound knowledge by giving a guided tour of ABHM. They've written a script to highlight the museum's important exhibits. "I recommend coming to work here," one student said. "It really gives you a good start to learning about history. I feel like schools do not teach us about the history we need to learn. When you come here, you can learn more."

Earn & Learn has provided these students with more than just a summer job; it has given them a platform to learn, grow, and inspire others, all while uncovering crucial aspects of history.

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