On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a work-based training model that is considered one of the most effective ways to train new employees. OJT’s improve motivation and retention of new hires, reinforce ongoing learning and upgrade transferable skills. The OJT program is especially helpful to businesses that find a new hire candidate who would be a great fit with the company culture and demonstrates potential for long-term employment but may lack technical skills. OJT is a great method for teaching technical skills while helping to offset the employer’s cost associated with any loss of productive time while training a new hire.
To learn more about OJT and the benefits to your company, please contact us before you hire. OJT’s cannot be funded after hiring takes place.
If you are interested in exploring this option for your workforce training needs, please contact: kathryn.schafer@employmilwaukee.org or Biz.Services@employmilwaukee.org for assistance or with questions.
Employ Milwaukee
2342 North 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53210
Phone: (414) 270-1700Fax: (414) 225-2375 Deaf, hearing or speech impaired callers may reach us by the Wisconsin Relay number 711.
Employ Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Service Provider.
Auxiliary Aids and services are available to individuals with disabilities upon request. If you need this material interpreted to a language you understand or in a different format, or need assistance in accessing services, please contact us.